Fall 2021 3MT® Competition | The Finals
3MT Statistics
Meet the finalists!
Watch their video presentations, learn about their research, and join us to cheer them on for the final round of the competition! Help us make some noise by sharing your comments on social media using the hashtag #3MTatKU!
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From Agricultural Residues to Value-added Products
Steffan Green
Master's Student in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
School of Engineering

Error Detection is an Essential Musical Ability
Tanya Honerman
Doctoral Student in Music
School of Music

Shunt the Tunnels, Shut-in the Drugs!
Ayotunde Ikujuni
Doctoral Student in Biochemistry and Biophysics
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Building Peptide Drugs with Unnatural Amino Acids
Jacob R. Immel
Doctoral Student in Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy

Distributional Welfare Effect of Inflation
Van Nguyen
Doctoral Student in Economics
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Plants to Capture Carbon: Why Diversity Matters
Laura Y. Podzikowski
Doctoral Student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Adolescent Technology-Use and Creative Activities during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study
Lauren Zaeske
Doctoral Student in Counseling Psychology
School of Education and Human Sciences