Fall 2021 3MT® Competition | The Heats
The Heats are the first round of the 3MT® Competition. The top presenters will advance to the final round of the competition.
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Watch the video presentations and learn about the latest research being conducted by graduate students at the University of Kansas. *Closed captions are available for each video presentation by clicking the CC icon on the video menu.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ana Paula G. Mumy - Doctoral Student in Speech Language Pathology
Does Bilingualism Cause Stuttering?
Ayotunde Ikujuni - Doctoral Student in Biochemistry and Biophysics
Shunt the Tunnels, Shut-in the Drugs!
Chen Liang - Doctoral Student in Geography
Monitoring Vegetation across the United States
Laura Y. Podzikowski - Doctoral Student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Plants to Capture Carbon: Why Diversity Matters
Matthew Laske - Doctoral Student in Applied Behavioral Science
Um, So, Like… How do I Become a Better Public Speaker?
Mohsen Fatemi - Doctoral Student in Public Administration
Energy Justice and Local Governments
Sutton Stegman - Doctoral Student in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Small Molecules Connecting Big Mechanisms: Understanding Fundamental Processes of a Cell
Van H. Nguyen - Doctoral Student in Economics
Distributional Welfare Effect of Inflation
School of Education and Human Sciences
Lauren Zaeske - Doctoral Student in Counseling Psychology
Adolescent Technology-Use and Creative Activities during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study
Taylor Harris - Doctoral Student in Counseling Psychology
Social Support Predicts Sleep Quality in People with MS during COVID-19 Pandemic
School of Engineering
Julia Espinoza - Master's Student in Petroleum Engineering
The Fight to Achieve Net Zero Emissions
Lu Zhao - Doctoral Student in Aerospace Engineering
A New Flow Control Method for Aircraft Noise Reduction
Nikhil Biju - Master's Student in Mechanical Engineering
XF Battery Model for Accurate Electric Vehicle Charge Estimation
Saumik Sakib Bin Masud - Doctoral Student in Civil Engineering
Human Behavioral Impact of Automated Systems in Cars
Steffan Green - Master's Student in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
From Agricultural Residues to Value-added Products
School of Music
Tanya Honerman - Doctoral Student in Music Theory
Error Detection is an Essential Musical Ability
School of Pharmacy
Jacob R. Immel - Doctoral Student in Medicinal Chemistry
Building Peptide Drugs with Unnatural Amino Acids