Fall 2022 3MT® Competition | The Finals

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • Collage of images depicting what applications look like, topic modeling, and decision modeling. The takeaway is that GPA, GRE predicted admissions; university honors, prior coursework, and endorsement of potential predicted denial.

    James Adaryukov, Doctoral student in Psychology

    Weight and See: How Graduate Admissions Decisions Use Verbal and Numeric Information

  • Image in the center of a fingerprint being scanned, with images on the left side of a baby and an older man at the doctor's office with the nurse holding a syringe and on the right side, images of diseased and healthy patient's fingerprint lipids.

    Madeline Isom, Doctoral student in Chemistry

    Disease Diagnosis at our Fingertips

  • A view of the Milky Way depicting where we are and showing satellites and different kinds of waves traveling through space.

    Xinyu Mai, Doctoral student in Physics

    A Detailed look at Cosmic Neighborhood: The Center of the Milky Way

  • The center image portrays an eye, followed by an image of a child and an adult, a brain, a fish, and a reward chamber.

    Sayuri Niyangoda, Doctoral student in Chemistry

    Alzheimer's Disease through the Eyes of a Fish

School of Education and Human Sciences

  • Two overlapping circles showing the intersection of critical literacy and trans-languaging for bilingual reading. On the right of the circles is a graph that shows Critical Reading Process at the center and five items associated with it: pre-reading questions, parallel reading, general discussion questions, targeted questions, and reflection.

    Jiahong Annie Wang, Doctoral student in Curriculum and Instruction

    Using Translanguaging to Support English Language Learners' Critical Literacy Development

    School of Engineering

    • Collage portraying images related to refrigeration - preservation, storage, comfort, and manufacturing; environmental impact, focused on ozone depletion leading to global warming; refrigerant mixtures, such as a refrigerant mixture tank that can't be separated with conventional separation technology; a separation tower; and a final area showing when to re-use or re-purpose these refrigerant mixtures.

      Kalin Baca, Doctoral student in Chemical Engineering

      Recycling Refrigerants to Reduce Global Warming

    • Collage of images portraying a lab analyst collecting a sample, putting the sample into a microchip to get an answer.

      Katie Childers, Doctoral student in Bioengineering

      "Time is Brain": Developing a Blood Test to Diagnose Stroke

    • Heracles vs Hydra, where Hydra represents traditional antibiotics and Heracles represents antimicrobial peptides.

      Nicole D'Souza, Master's student in Bioengineering

      Defeating the Hydra: Combatting Antibiotic Resistance in Orthopedic Surgery

    • Collage of images showing the application of electrodes on the spinal cord, theory related to negatively charged electrodes, and the dissertation research experiment.

      Jordan Gamble, Doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering

      Electrodes are like Onions: They Both Have Layers

    • Sequence showing a gut microbiome, leading to DNA sequences, then to a lump of puzzle pieces and finally, to the puzzle pieces in the correct place.

      Sirisha Thippabhotla, Doctoral student in Computer Science

      Solving the Microbe Puzzle: The Future of Medicine

    School of Music

    • A photo of the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra in 1940

      Denise Finnegan-Hill, Doctoral student in Music

      The Kansas City Philharmonic: An Alternative Model for the Modern Orchestra

      Rock Chalk

      Vote for People's Choice Award

      The 1st and 2nd place winners will be selected by a panel of judges, but YOU can vote to determine who will be the winner of the People's Choice Award!

      Voting starts at 3:00 p.m. and closes at 3:25 p.m. on the day of the event.
